
Donate to Support Our Mission

Thank you for considering a donation to Children's Aids Fund Uganda. Your generosity plays a crucial role in advancing our mission and empowering communities in Uganda to thrive. With your support, we can continue to make a meaningful impact in areas such as healthcare, education, and community development. Here's how your donation can make a difference:

Thank you for considering a donation to Children's Aids Fund Uganda. Your generosity plays a crucial role in advancing our mission and empowering communities in Uganda to thrive. With your support, we can continue to make a meaningful impact in areas such as healthcare, education, and community development. Here's how your donation can make a difference:

Healthcare Initiatives

Your donation enables us to provide critical healthcare services, including HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, maternal and child health, and access to clean water and sanitation facilities. By supporting our healthcare initiatives, you're helping us save lives and improve the well-being of individuals and families in need.

Education Programs

Education is a cornerstone of empowerment. Your donation supports our efforts to provide quality education to children and youth, including access to school supplies, scholarships, and vocational training opportunities. Together, we can break the cycle of poverty and create brighter futures for the next generation.

Community Development Projects

From infrastructure improvements to livelihood support programs, your donation fuels our community development projects aimed at fostering sustainable growth and resilience. Whether it's building schools, empowering women entrepreneurs, or promoting environmental conservation, your contribution makes a tangible difference in building stronger, more vibrant communities.

Why Choose Us

We Spread Care ToProvide
Quality Life

Holistic Family-Centered Approach

Unlike traditional service providers, Children Aids Fund Uganda takes a holistic approach to care, focusing on the entire family unit rather than just individuals. By addressing the needs of every family member, from children to parents and caregivers, we create a supportive environment where healing and growth can flourish together.

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience serving vulnerable communities, Children Aids Fund Uganda boasts a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about making a difference. Our staff members are highly trained and compassionate individuals who understand the complex challenges facing families in need. Whether it's providing medical care, counseling, education, or other vital services, our experts have the knowledge and expertise to deliver effective interventions that yield tangible results.

Community-Centered Solutions

At Children Aids Fund Uganda, we recognize that sustainable change begins at the grassroots level. That's why we actively engage with local communities to develop culturally sensitive and contextually relevant solutions to the challenges they face. By involving community members in the design and implementation of our programs, we ensure that our interventions are not only effective but also empowering.

How To Donate.


Visit our secure donation portal to make a one-time or recurring donation using your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account.

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Bank Account

You can also donate directly to our bank account [insert bank details].

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In-kind Donations

We gratefully accept donations of goods or services that align with our mission. Please visit any of our offices or contact us at [insert contact email/to discuss in-kind donation opportunities.

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You Can Find All Answers Here

Children's AIDS Fund Uganda (CAFU) is registered as a local organization in Uganda, dedicated to limiting suffering of HIV-impacted children and families.

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